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Minisymposium on Poroelasticity and Rock Physics 2025


We organize the 12th Poroelasticity Minisymposium on Tuesday, March 11th, 2025.


It will be an informal one-day event (9:00 - 18:00) with presentations, posters, and plenty of time to elaborate and discuss new ideas and research directions. Theory, laboratory experiments and numerical investigations in the area of poroelasticity and rockphysics will be covered.

Please let us know your contribution. Feel invited! We just need the title. Based on your inputs we will create the final program.

Last-minute posters are welcomed!


The venue will be at the ENS Paris.


There is no registration fee but also no financial support.

What else?

On Monday (the day before) we will have the dinner of the minisymposium in town


Please contact Erik H. Saenger to express your interest in participating in the Poroelasticity Minisymposium or in any of the Monday-activities or for any other questions.