Journal Publications 2017
- Chapman S., Quintal B., Tisato N. and Holliger K., 2017: Frequency scaling of seismic attenuation in rocks saturated with two fluid phases, Geophysical Journal International 208, 221–225. Go to article
- De Siena L., Chiodini G., Vilardo G., Del Pezzo E., Castellano M., Colombelli S., Tisato N. and Ventura G., 2017: Source and dynamics of a volcanic caldera unrest: Campi Flegrei, 1983–84, Scientific Reports 7(1), 1-13. Go to article
- De Waele J., D'Angeli I. M., Tisato N., Tuccimei P., Soligo M., Joaquin G., Gines A., Fornos J. J., Villa M., Esteban G. G., Bernasconi S. M. and Bontognali T. R. R., 2017: Coastal uplift rate at Matanzas (Cuba) inferred from MIS5e phreatic overgrowths on speleothems, Terra Nova 29(2), 98-105. Go to article
- Grab M., Quintal B., Caspari E., Deuber C., Maurer H. and Greenhalgh S., 2017: The effect of boiling on seismic properties of water-saturated fractured rock, Journal of Geophysical Research 122, 9228–9252.
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- Grab M., Quintal B., Caspari E., Maurer H. and Greenhalgh S., 2017: Numerical modeling of fluid effects on seismic properties of fractured magmatic geothermal reservoirs, Solid Earth 8, 255–279. Go to article
- Güven I., Frijters S., Harting J., Luding S. and Steeb H., 2017: Hydraulic properties of sintered glass bead systems, Granular Matter 19, 28.
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- Güven I., Luding S. and Steeb H., 2017: Incoherent waves in granular media: Scattering phenomena, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 140, 011018.
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- Kant M. A., Ammann J., Rossi E., Madonna C., Höser D. and Rudolf von Rohr P., 2017:
Thermal properties of Central Aare granite for temperatures up to 500°C: Irreversible changes due to thermal crack formation, Geophysical Research Letters 44, 771–776. Go to article
- Kant M. A., Rossi E., Madonna C., Höser D. and Rudolf von Rohr P., 2017: A theory on thermal spalling of rocks with a focus on thermal spallation drilling, Journal of Geophysical Research 122, 1805–1815. Go to article
- Lupi M., Frehner M., Weis P., Skelton A., Saenger E. H., Tisato N., Geiger S., Chiodini G. and Driesner T., 2017: Regional earthquakes followed by delayed ground uplifts at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy: Arguments for a causal link, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 474, 436–446. Go to article
- Lupi M., Fuchs, F. and Saenger E. H., 2017: Numerical simulations of passing seismic waves at the Larderello-Travale Geothermal Field, Italy, Geophysical Research Letters 44, 5418-5426. Go to article
- Mallet C., Quintal B., Caspari E. and Holliger K., 2017: Frequency-dependent attenuation in water-saturated cracked glass based on creep tests, Geophysics 82, MR89–MR96. Go to article
- Nabavi S. T., Alavi S. A., Mohammadi S., Ghassemi M. R. and Frehner M., 2017: Analysis of transpression within contractional fault steps using finite-element method, Journal of Structural Geology 96, 1–20. Go to article
- Subramaniyan S., Quintal B. and Saenger E. H., 2017: Forced-oscillation measurements of seismic attenuation in fluid-saturated sandstone, Acta Geophysica 65, 165–172. Go to article
- von Däniken P. A. and Frehner M., 2017: 3D structural model and kinematic interpretation of the Panixer Pass Transverse Zone (Infrahelvetic Complex, eastern Switzerland), Swiss Journal of Geosciences 110, 653–675.
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- Wenning Q. C., Berthet T., Ask M., Zappone A., Rosberg J.-E. and Almqvist B. S. G., 2017: Image log analysis of in-situ stress orientation, breakout growth, and natural geologic structures to 2.5 km depth in central Scandinavian Caledonides: Results from the COSC-1 borehole, Journal of Geophysical Research 122, 3999–4019.
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- Zhao Q., Tisato N. and Grasselli G., 2017: Rotary shear experiments under X-ray micro-computed tomography, Review of Scientific Instruments 88(1).
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