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Journal Publications 2021

  • Alkhimenkov, Y., Räss, L., Khakimova, L., Quintal, B., and Podladchikov, Y., 2021. Resolving wave propagation in anisotropic poroelastic media using graphical processing units (GPUs). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2020JB021175. Go to article
  • Alkhimenkov, Y., Khakimova, L., Podladchikov, Y. Y., 2021. Stability of discrete schemes of Biot’s poroelastic equations, Geophysical Journal International, ggaa584. Go to article
  • Balcewicz, M., Ahrens, B., Lippert, K., and Saenger, E. H., 2021. Characterization of discontinuities in potential reservoir rocks for geothermal applications in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area (Germany), Solid Earth, Go to article
  • Balcewicz, M., Siegert, M, Gurris, M., Ruf, M., Krach, D., Steeb, H., and Saenger, E. H., 2021. Digital rock physics: A geological driven workflow for the segmentation of anisotropic Ruhr sandstone, Front. Earth Sci., Go to article
  • Chapman, S., J. V. M. Borgomano, B. Quintal, S. M. Benson and J. Fortin, 2021, Seismic wave attenuation and dispersion due to partial fluid saturation: Direct measurements and numerical simulations based on X-Ray CT, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Go to article
  • Chen, Y., Steeb, H., Erfani, H., Karadimitriou, N.K., Walczak, M.S., Ruf, M., Lee, D., An, S., Hasan, S., Connolley, T., Vo, N.T., and Niasar, V., 2021, Nonuniqueness of hydrodynamic dispersion revealed using fast 4D synchrotron x-ray imaging, Science Advances, Volume 7, 10.1126/sciadv.abj0960. Go to article
  • Finger, C and Saenger, E.H., 2021. Determination of the time-dependent moment tensor using time-reverse imaging, Geophysics, Go to article
  • Finger, C., Saydak, L., Vu, G., Timothy, J.J., Meschke, G., and Saenger, E.H., 2021, Sensitivity of Ultrasonic Coda Wave Interferometry to Material Damage—Observations from a Virtual Concrete Lab. Materials, 14, 4033. Go to article
  • Gao, H., Tatomir, A.B., Karadimitriou, N.K., Steeb, H. and Sauter, M., 2021. A Two-Phase, Pore-Scale Reactive Transport Model for the Kinetic Interface-Sensitive Tracer, Water Resources Research, 57(6), e2020WR028572. Go to article
  • Ikeda, K., Subramaniyan, S., Quintal, B., Goldfarb, E.J., Saenger, E.H., and Tisato N., 2021. Low-Frequency Elastic Properties of a Polymineralic Carbonate: Laboratory Measurement and Digital Rock Physics, Front. Earth Sci., Go to article
  • Kolditz, O., Fischer, T., Frühwirt, T., Görke, U.-J., Helbig, C., Konietzky, H., Maßmann, J., Nest, M., Pötschke, D., Rink, K., Sattari, A., Schmidt, P., Steeb, H., Wuttke, F., Yoshioka, K., Vowinckel, B., Ziefle, G., and Nagel, T., 2021. GeomInt: geomechanical integrity of host and barrier rocks--experiments, models and analysis of discontinuities, Environmental Earth Sciences, 80(16),1-20. Go to article
  • Kruszewski, M., Hofmann H., Alvarez F.G., Bianco, C., Haro, A.J., Garduno, V.H., Liotta, D., Trumpy, E., Brogi, A, Wheeler, W., Bastesen, E., Parisio, F. and Saenger, E.H., 2021. Integrated Stress Field Estimation and Implications for Enhanced Geothermal System Development in Acoculco, Mexico, Geothermics, 89, 101931. Go to article
  • Kruszewski, M., Glissner, M., Hahn, S. and Wittig, V., 2021. Alkali-activated aluminosilicate sealing system for deep high-temperature well applications, Geothermics, 89, 101935. Go to article
  • Kruszewski, M., Montegrossi, G., Backers, T. and Saenger, E.H., 2021. In Situ Stress State of the Ruhr Region (Germany) and Its Implications for Permeability Anisotropy, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Go to article
  • Lissa, S., Ruf, M., Steeb, H. and Quintal, B., 2021. Digital rock physics applied to squirt flow, Geophysics, 86(4), 1-40. Go to article
  • Osorno, M., Schirwon, M., Kijanski, N., Sivanesapillai, R., Steeb, H. and Göddeke, D., 2021. A cross-platform, high-performance SPH toolkit for image-based flow simulations on the pore scale of porous media, Computer Physics Communications, Volume 267, 108059. Go to article
  • Pang, M., Ba, J., Carcione, J.M. and Saenger, E.H., 2021. Elastic-Electrical Rock-Physics Template for the Characterization of Tight-Oil Reservoir Rocks, Lithosphere, 3341849. Go to article
  • Pimienta, L., Quintal, B. and Caspari E., 2021. Hydro-mechanical coupling in porous rocks: hidden dependences to the microstructure?, Geophysical Journal International, 224 (2), 973-984. Go to article
  • Saenger, E.H., Finger, C., Karimpouli, S. and Tahmasebi, P., 2021. Single-Station Coda Wave Interferometry: A Feasibility Study Using Machine Learning, Materials, 14(13), 3451. Go to article
  • Schuck, B., Teutsch, T., Alber, S., Ressel, W., Steeb, H. and Ruf, M., 2021. Study of air void topology of asphalt with focus on air void constrictions--a review and research approach, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 22(sup1), S425-S443. Go to article
  • Siegert, M., Gurris, M. and Saenger, E.H., 2021. Validation suite for numerical solvers calculating effective thermal conductivity in porous media, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 189, 104323. Go to article
  • Solazzi, S.G., Quintal B. and Holliger K., 2021. Squirt flow in porous media saturated by Maxwell-type non-Newtonian fluids, Physical Review E, 103 (2), 023101. Go to article
  • Taghizadeh, K. and Steeb, H. and Luding, S. and Magnanimo, V., 2021. Elastic waves in particulate glass-rubber mixtures, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 477(2249), 20200834. Go to article
  • Tisato, N., Madonna, C. and Saenger, E.H., 2021. Attenuation of Seismic Waves in Partially Saturated Berea Sandstone as a Function of Frequency and Confining Pressure, Front. Earth Sci., Go to article
  • Vu, G., Timothy, J.J., Singh, D.S, Saydak, L. A., Saenger, E.H. and Meschke, G., 2021. Numerical Simulation-Based Damage Identification in Concrete, Modelling, 2 (3), 355-369; Go to article
  • Wagner, A., Eggenweiler, E., Weinhardt, F., Trivedi, Z., Krach, D., Lohrmann, C., Jain, K., Karadimitriou, N., Bringedal, C., Voland, P., Holm, C., Class, H., Steeb, H., and Rybak, I., 2021. Permeability Estimation of Regular Porous Structures: A Benchmark for Comparison of Methods, Transport in Porous Media, 138(1), 1-23. Go to article
  • Weinhardt, F., Class, H., Vahid Dastjerdi, S., Karadimitriou, N., Lee, Dongwon and Steeb, H., 2021 Experimental Methods and Imaging for Enzymatically Induced Calcite Precipitation in a Microfluidic Cell, Water Resources Research, 57(3), e2020WR029361. Go to article
  • Yiotis, A., Karadimitriou, N.K., Zarikos, I. and Steeb, H., 2021 Pore-scale effects during the transition from capillary-to viscosity-dominated flow dynamics within microfluidic porous-like domains, Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-16. Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Lajevardi, S.A., Golabi, M.M., 2021, Modeling of crack initiation and propagation in porous samples due to fluid pressure using Abacus software. Journal of Mining Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 53, Pages 92-112, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Nazari, S., Amiri, A.A., Rouhani, A.A., 2021, Application of Remote Sensing and Field Geophysics for Exploration of Cu Deposits in Bab-Zangoeie, Chahar-Gonbad Region of Kerman, Iran. Journal of Engineering Geology, Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages 23-25, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Lajevardi, S.A., Rezanezhad, M., 2021, An investigation on prevalent strategies for XFEM-based numerical modeling of crack growth in porous media. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, Volume 15, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Lajevardi, S.A., Rezanezhad, M., 2021, Application of equivalent circle and ellipse for pore shape modeling in crack growth problem: A numerical investigation in microscale. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 253, Go to article