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Program Minisymposium 2025

Time Who
09:10 Erik H. Saenger* Welcome / Introduction
09:20 Elisabeth Bemer.
Impact of experimental methods in the differences observed between static and dynamic moduli
09:45 Cedric Bailly* Behavior of elastic properties in carbonates: scale does matter
10:10 - 11:20   Posters & Coffee break
Carolina Giorgetti* Fault orientation in earthquake seismic precursors: insights from the laboratory
John Rudnicki* Using Rate and State Friction to Model a Fluid Injection Experiment with Periodic Pore Pressure
12:10 - 14:45   Buffet & Posters
14:45 Philipp Braun.
Poromechanical behaviour of rocks in underground hydrogen storage systems
15:10 Yves Leroy*
Crystallisation pressure in CO2-reacting basalt: a poro-plasticity approach
15:35 - 17:30   Posters & Coffee break

Poster Contributions:

(1) Bastien Dupuy*: Multiphysics inversion of CO2 storage pressure and fluid saturation
(2) Nicolas Barbosa*: Tube wave sensitivity to well integrity and leakage in legacy wells
(3) Alvin Biyoghe*: A Micromechanical Approach to Predict the Strain Amplitude Transition from Static to Dynamic Properties in Dry Porous Rocks
(4) Sarvar Mammadov: Mechanical and physical properties of oolitic limestones from the Upper Rhine Graben
(5) Kamal Bayramov*: Compaction localisation in volcanic rocks
(6) Anna-Maria Eckel*: Hydro-Geomechanical Reservoir Modelling of Underground Hydrogen Storage in a Saline Aquifer of the North German Basin
(7) Samuel Chapman*: Fluid pressure diffusion in a fractured rock in response to hydrostatic pressure oscillations
(8) Samuel Chapman: Elastic properties of Tournemire shale at seismic frequencies – Laboratory measurements in support of the CHENILLE project
(9) Zhijian Fang.: Shear-wave velocity prediction of tight reservoirs based on poroelasticity theory
(10) Zhiyu Hou.: Simulating Wave Propagation Using Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)
(11) Yury Alkhimenkov*: GPU-Accelerated 3D Simulations of Quasi-Static Poroelasticity
(12) Martin Balcewicz*: Dissolution and Precipitation Processes in Geothermal Reservoirs: Current Insights from the Ruhr Area
(13) Matthieu Lusseyra.: Prediction of clay-rich rock failure coupling local and global non-destructive measurement techniques
(14) Julien Douçot.: Growth phases of early microstructures in carbonate aquifers: contributions of experimental diagenesis
(15) Caiyuan Fan.: From thermal pressurization to dilatant strengthening during stick-slip ruptures on saturated saw-cut thermally cracked westerly granite
(16) Mirko Siegert*: Digital rock physics: A first draft of a permittivity solver
(17) Gang Lin*: Pressure Dependence of Permeability in Cracked Rocks: Experimental Evidence of Non-Linear Pore-Pressure Gradients from Local Measurements . More info:
(18) Maxime Guillou.: Building of a rock physics model to monitor seismic velocities changes induced by heat storage in Meletta sandstone aquifer and support THM simulation of DeepStor demonstrator
(19) Lucas Pimienta*: ET cell at UNIL : Insights from recent experiments and the way forward
(20) Théo Briolet.: Dissolution of carbonate rocks with complex microstructures: effect of the flow rate
(21) Mathieu Bellanger.: From joint inversion geophysics to the quantification of geothermal resources: the role of poro-elasticity in a muli to trans-disciplinary prediction system without drilling data
(22) Zhaochen Xu*: Experimental observations and modelling of limestone deformation under hydrostatic cyclic loading for geological hydrogen storage
(23) Guadalupe Flores*: Attenuation measurements in thermally cracked Fontainebleau sandstone: A new dataset
(24) Ermis Proestakis*: Well log interpretation of elastic properties in diatom- and smectite-rich mudstones from the North Sea
(25) Shohreh Iraji*: Impact of Adsorbed Water on Porosity and Grain Density in Fine-Grained Diatomaceous Mudstone
(26) Adnan Barkat*: Untangle the Solutions for Near Borehole CO2 Leakage Monitoring
(27) Holger Steeb*: POREMAPS: Open-source permeability solver for pore-scale resolved, anisotropic, evolving porous media
(28) Hamid Madadi*:High-cycle/high-frequency fatigue of rocks combined with in-situ DMA and µXRCT characterization
(29) Hideo Aochi.: Importance of hydraulic process in induced seismicity modeling

More Attendees (to be updated):

Siavash Ghabezloo.
Mathilde Adelinet.
Calypso Bertholet.
Jean Sulem.
Ali Parsi.
Thibaut Barreyre
Marcel Gurris*
Jean-Baptiste Regnet
Beatriz Quintal*
Jerome Fortin*

* will indicate that you plan to attend our dinner on Monday