Journal Publications 2013
- Andrä H., Combaret N., Dvorkin J., Glatt E., Han J., Krzikalla F., Lee M., Madonna C., Marsh M., Mukerji T., Ricker S., Saenger E.H., Sain R., Saxena N., Wiegmann A. and Zhan X., 2013: Digital rock physics benchmarks - Part I: Imaging and segmentation, Computers & Geosciences 50, 25–32.
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- Andrä H., Combaret N., Dvorkin J., Glatt E., Han J., Krzikalla F., Lee M., Madonna C., Marsh M., Mukerji T., Ricker S., Saenger E.H., Sain R., Saxena N., Wiegmann A. and Zhan X., 2013: Digital rock physics benchmarks - Part II: Computing effective properties, Computers & Geosciences 50, 33–43.
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- Frehner M., 2013: Krauklis wave initiation in fluid-filled fractures by a passing body wave, in Poromechanics V: Proceedings of the fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics (Eds: Hellmich C., Pichler B. and Adam D.), American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 92–100, ISBN 978-0-7844-1299-2.
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- Frehner M., 2013: Photograph of the month, Journal of Structural Geology 55, 196.
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- Jeong J., Sardini P., Ramezani H., Siitari-Kauppi M. and Steeb H. 2013: Modeling of the induced chemo-mechanical stress through porous cement mortar subjected to CO2: Enhanced micro-dilatation theory and 14C-PMMA method, Computational Materials Science 69, 466-480.
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- Kazakeviciute-Makovska R., Mogharebi S., Steeb H., Eggeler G. and Neuking K., 2013: A Critical Assessment of Experimental Methods for Determining the Dynamic Mechanical Characteristics of Shape Memory Polymers, Advanced Engineering Materials 15-8, 732–739.
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- Kocur G.K., Saenger E.H. and Vogel T., 2013: Time reverse modeling versus automatic onset detection: A study on the localization of acoustic emissions in reinforced concrete, in Nondestructive Testing of Materials and Structures (Eds: Büyüköztürk O., Taşdemir M.A., Güneş O. and Akkaya Y.), Volume 6 of RILEM Bookseries, Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-94-007-0722-1.
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- Lambert M.-A., Saenger E.H., Quintal B. and Schmalholz S.M., 2013: Numerical simulation of ambient seismic wavefield modification caused by pore-fluid effects in an oil reservoir, Geophysics 78, T41–T52. Go to article
- Lupi M., Saenger E.H., Fuchs F. and Miller S.A., 2013: Lusi mud eruption triggered by geometric focusing of seismic waves, Nature Geoscience 6, 642–646.
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- Madonna C., Quintal B., Frehner M., Almqvist B.S.G., Tisato N., Pistone M., Marone F. and Saenger E.H., 2013: Synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy for rock microstructure investigations, Geophysics 78, D53–D64.
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- Madonna C. and Tisato N., 2013: A new Seismic Wave Attenuation Module to experimentally measure low-frequency attenuation in extensional mode, Geophysical Prospecting 61, 302–314. Go to article
- Mogharebi S., Kazakeviciute-Makovska R., Steeb H., Eggeler G. and Neuking K., 2013: On the Cyclic Material Stability of Shape Memory Polymer Estane (TM), Materials Science and Engineering Technology 44-6, 521-526. Go to article
- Müller P., Kazakeviciute-Makovska R. and Steeb H., 2013: On strain measurements in soft (rubbery) and stiff (glassy) polymeric materials, Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe: KGK 4–13, 48-54. Go to article
- Riahi N., Bokelmann G., Sala P. and Saenger E.H., 2013: Time-lapse analysis of ambient surface wave anisotropy: A three-component array study above an underground gas storage, Journal of Geophysical Research 118, 5339–5351.
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- Riahi N., Goertz A. Birkelo B. and Saenger E.H., 2013: A statistical strategy for ambient seismic wavefield analysis: investigating correlations to a hydrocarbon reservoir, Geophysical Journal International 192, 148–162. Go to article
- Sala P., Frehner M., Tisato N. and Pfiffner O.A., 2013: Building a three-dimensional near-surface geologic and petrophysical model based on borehole data: A case study from Chémery, Paris Basin, France, AAPG Bulletin 97, 1303–1324.
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- Schaufler A., Becker C. and Steeb H., 2013: Infiltration processes in cohesionless soils, ZAMM Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 93, 138-146.
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- Schüler T., Manke R., Jänicke R., Radenberg M. and Steeb H., 2013: Multi-scale modelling approach for bituminous asphalt concrete, ZAMM Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 93, 126-137.
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- Sell K., Enzmann F., Kersten M. and Spangenberg E., 2013: Microtomographic quantificiation of hydraulic clay mineral displacement effects during a CO2 sequestration experiment with saline aquifer sandstone, Environmental Science & Technology 47, 198–204.
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- Steeb H., Singh J. and Tomar S. K., 2013: Time harmonic waves in thermoelastic material with microtemperatures, Mechanics Research Communications 48, 8–18.
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- Tisato N. and Marelli S., 2013: Laboratory measurements of the longitudinal and transverse wave velocities of compacted bentonite as a function of water content, temperature and confining pressure, Journal of Geophysical Research 118, 3380–3393.
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- Tisato N. and Quintal B., 2013: Measurements of seismic attenuation and transient fluid pressure in partially saturated Berea sandstone: Evidence of fluid flow on the mesoscopic scale, Geophysical Journal International 195, 342–351.
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