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Personal profile of
Katrin Loeer



University of Aberdeen


Katrin Loeer
Department of Geology and Geophysics
School of Geosciences
University of Aberdeen
Meston Building
King's College
AB24 3UE

E-Mail: katrin.loer - at -

Short CV

Katrin is a Lecturer in Environmental Seismology at the Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Aberdeen. After her PhD at the University of Edinburgh (2012-2015), where she was as a member of the Edinburgh Interferometry Project (EIP), she joined the International Geothermal Centre at Bochum University of Applied Sciences (Germany) as a postdoctoral researcher, receiving funding through a DFG-grant “Eigene Stelle” for her project “Synergy of passive seismic methods for geothermal applications (SynPaTh)” (2016-2020).

Her research interests evolve around passive seismic methods and how they can be used and combined to extract information about subsurface parameters from ambient seismic noise. A key aspect is to detect and monitor surface wave anisotropy that is related to faults and fractures. To this end, she explores the potential of three-component beamforming, a seismic array method that measures velocity and direction of arrival of different wave types. As a by-product, the method provides a measure for the composition of ambient noise in terms of surface and body waves. Within the European-Mexican collaboration “GEMex” she contributed to the analysis of a passive seismic data set recorded on top of a geothermal reservoir in Los Humeros, Mexico.

