Research, Meetings, Consulting & more.

rock physics network image

Journal Publications 2024

  • Pang, M., Ba, J., Carcione, J.M., Saenger, E.H., 2024, Combined acoustical-electrical modeling for tight sandstones verified by laboratory measurements. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume 176, Go to article
  • Pang, M., Ba, J., Carcione, J.M., Balcewicz, M., Siegert, M., Saenger, E.H., 2024, Acoustical-electrical models of tight rocks based on digital rock physics and double-porosity theory. Geoenergy Science and Engineering , Volume 235, Go to article
  • Gao, H., Abdullah, H., Tatomir, A., Karadimitriou, N., Steeb, H., Zhou, D., Liu, Q., Sauter, M., 2024, Pore-scale study of the effects of grain size on the capillary-associated interfacial area during primary drainage. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 632, Go to article
  • Steeb, H., Kijanski, N., 2024, On the macro- and micro-scale of dilute suspensions: A particle-based numerical investigation. European Journal of Mechanics B - Fluids, Volume 103, Pages 208-222 Go to article
  • Steeb, H., Shokri, J., Ruf, M., Lee, D., Mohammadrezaei, S., Niasar, V., 2024, Exploring carbonate rock dissolution dynamics and the influence of rock mineralogy in CO2 injection. Environmental Science & Technology, Volume 58, Pages 2728-2738, Go to article
  • Steeb, H., Wang, J., Sonntag, A., Lee, D., Xotta, G., Salomoni, V.A., Wagner, A., Ehlers, W., 2024, Modelling and simulation of natural hydraulic fracturing applied to experiments on natural sandstone cores. Acta Geotechnica, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Kwiatek, G., Ben‐Zion, Y., Martínez‐Garzón, P., Dresen, G., Bohnhoff, M., 2024, Empowering machine learning forecasting of labquake using event‐based features and clustering characteristics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Machine Learning and Computation, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Kwiatek, G., Martínez‐Garzón, P., Dresen, G., Bohnhoff, M., 2024, Unsupervised clustering of catalogue-driven features for characterizing temporal evolution of labquake stress. Geophysical Journal International, Volume 231, Issue 2, Pages 755-771, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Kadyrov, R., Siegert, M., Saenger, E.H.,2024, Applicability of 2D algorithms for 3D characterization in digital rocks physics: an example of a machine learning-based super resolution image generation. Acta Geophysica, Volume 72, Pages 861-874, Go to article

Journal Publications 2023

  • Pang, M., Ba, J., Deng, J., Müller, T.M., Saenger, E.H., 2023, Rock-Physics Template Based on Differential Diagenesis for the Characterization of Shale Gas Reservoirs. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Go to article
  • Siegert, M., Gurris, M., Lebedev, M., & Saenger, E. H., 2023, Numerical modeling of the permeability in Bentheim sandstone under confining pressure, Geophysics, Volume 88, Pages MR1–MR14, Go to article
  • Teutsch, T., Gönninger, L., Ruf, M., Steeb, H. and Ressel, W., 2023, Microstructural characterisation and analysis of coarse aggregates in asphalt drill cores, Road Materials and Pavement Design, Pages 1 - 23, 10.1080/14680629.2022.2164333. Go to article
  • Finger, C., Roth, M. P., Dietl, M., Gotowik, A., Engels, N., Harrington, R. M., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Reicherter, K., Oswald, T., Reinsch, T., and Saenger, E. H., 2023, The Weisweiler passive seismological network: optimised for state-of-the-art location and imaging methods. Earth System Science Data, Volume 15, Pages 2655–2666, Go to article
  • Kruszewski, M., Montegrossi, G., and Saenger, E.H., 2023, The risk of fluid-injection-induced fault reactivation in carbonate reservoirs: an investigation of a geothermal system in the Ruhr region (Germany). Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, Volume 9, article number 38, Go to article
  • Karadimitriou, N., Valavanidis, M.S., Mouravas, G. and Steeb, H., 2023, Flow-dependent relative permeability scaling for steady-state two-phase flow in porous media: Laboratory validation on a microfluidic network. Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts, Volume 64, Pages 656-679, Go to article
  • Ruf, M., Lee, D. and Steeb, H., 2023, A multifunctional mechanical testing stage for micro x-ray computed tomography. RSI, Volume 94, Issue 8, Go to article
  • Dastjerdi, S.V., Karadimitriou, N., Hassanizadeh, S.M. and Steeb, H., 2023, Experimental evaluation of fluid connectivity in two-phase flow in porous media. Advances in Water Resources, Volume 172, Go to article
  • Schmidt, P., Steeb, H. and Renner, J., 2023, Diagnosing hydro-mechanical effects in subsurface fluid flow through fracture. Pure and Applied Geophysics, Volume 180, Pages 2841–2860, Go to article
  • Gao, H., Tatomir, A.B., Karadimitriou, N., Steeb, H. and Sauter, M., 2023, Reservoir characterization by push-pull tests employing kinetic interface sensitive tracers - a pore-scale study for understanding large-scale processes. Advances in Water Resources, Volume 174, Go to article
  • Hasan, S.N., Niasar, V., Karadimitriou, N., da Assuncao Godinho, J.R., Vo, N.T., An, S., Rabbani, A., Lee, D. and Steeb, H., 2023, Characterization of unsaturated solute transport with X-ray synchrotron microtomography. Album of Porous Media, Pages 74, Go to article
  • Ruf, M., Karadimitriou, N. and Steeb, H., 2023, Visualization of the uniaxial compression of open-cell foams. Album of Porous Media, Pages 117, Go to article
  • Kolditz, O., Yoshioka, K., Cajuhi, T., Günther R.-M., Steeb, H., Wuttke, F. and Nagel, T., 2023, GeomInt—Discontinuities in Geosystems From Lab to Field Scale. Go to article
  • Taghizadeh, K., Ruf, M., Luding, S. and Steeb, H., 2023, X-ray 3D imaging–based microunderstanding of granular mixtures: Stiffness enhancement by adding small fractions of soft particles. PNAS, Volume 120, Number 26, Go to article
  • Lee, D., Weinhardt, F., Hommel, J., Piotrowski, H., Class, H. and Steeb, H., 2023, Machine learning assists in increasing the time resolution of X-ray computed tomography applied to mineral precipitation in porous media. Scientific Reports, Volume 13, Go to article
  • Humbert, A., Gross, D., Sondershaus, R., Müller, R., Steeb, H., Braun, M., Brauchle, J., Stebner, K. and Rückamp, R., 2023, Fractures in glaciers—Crack tips and their stress fields by observation and modelling. PAAM, e202300260, Go to article
  • Taghizadeh, K., Luding, S., Steeb, H., 2023, Granular mixtures with tailored effective properties. In: Eberhard, P. (eds) Calm, Smooth and Smart. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Volume 102, Springer, Cham. Go to article
  • Gao, H., Abdullah, H., Tatomir, A., Karadimitriou, N., Pötzl, C., Steeb, H., Licha, T., Class, H., Helmig, R., Sauter, M., 2023, Estimation of capillary-associated NAPL-water interfacial areas for unconsolidated porous media by kinetic interface sensitive (KIS) tracer method. Water Resources Research, Volume 59, Go to article
  • Karadimitriou, N., Steeb, H., Straub, A., Reina, G., Frey, S., Ertl, T., 2023, Visual analysis of displacement processes in porous media using spatio-temporal flow graphs. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 30, Pages 759-769, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Kwiatek, G., Caus, D., Martínez‐Garzón, P., Dresen, G., Bohnhoff, M., Grover, H., Beroza G.C., Goebel, T., Weigel, T. 2023, Explainable machine learning for labquake prediction using catalog-driven features. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 622, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Besharati, M., Lajevardi, S.A., Rezanezhad, M., 2023, Feasibility Study of Three-Dimensional Crack Growth Modeling in Porous Media with Circular Pores Using Two-Dimensional Sections. Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering, Volume 41, Issue 2, Pages 29-60, Go to article

Journal Publications 2022

  • Chapman, S., J.V.M. Borgomano, B. Quintal, S. M. Benson and J. Fortin, 2022, Mass transfer between fluids as a mechanism for seismic wave attenuation: experimental evidence from water-CO2 saturated sandstones, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 230, Pages 216–234, Go to article
  • Hommel, J., Gehring, L., Weinhardt, F., Ruf, M. and Steeb, H., 2022, Effects of enzymatically induced carbonate precipitation on capillary pressure-saturation relations, Minerals, Volume 12, Pages 1186, 10.3390/min12101186. Go to article
  • Kadyrova, R., Nurgalieva, D., Saenger, E.H, Balcewicz, M., Minebaeve, R., Statsenkoa, E., Glukhovan, M., Nizamova, A. and Galiullina, B., 2022.Digital rock physics: Defining the reservoir properties on drill cuttings, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Tahmasebi, P., and Saenger, E.H., 2022. Ultrasonic prediction of crack density using machine learning: A numerical investigation, Geoscience Frontiers, 101277, Go to article
  • Kennedy, H., Löer, K and Gilligan, A., 2022, Constraints on fracture distribution in the Los Humeros geothermal field from beamforming of ambient seismic noise, Solid Earth, Volume 13.12, Pages 1843-1858, Go to article
  • Khodaei, P., Karimpouli, S., Balcewicz, M. and Saenger, E.H., 2022. Computing wave velocity of rock sample using rock chips and cuttings, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Go to article
  • Kruszewski, M., Montegrossi, G., Parisio, F., Saenger, E.H., 2022. Borehole observation-based in situ stress state estimation of the Los Humeros geothermal field (Mexico), Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, Volume 32, Pages 100392, Go to article
  • Kruszewski, M., Montegrossi, G., Balcewicz, M., de Los Angeles Gonzalez de Lucio, G., Igbokwe, O.A., Backers, T., Saenger, E.H., 2022. 3D in situ stress state modelling and fault reactivation risk exemplified in the Ruhr region (Germany), Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 2022, Volume 32, Pages 100386, Go to article
  • Lee, D. and Karadimitriou, N. and Ruf, M. and Steeb, H., 2022. Detecting micro fractures: a comprehensive comparison of conventional and machine-learning-based segmentation methods, Solid Earth, Volume 13, Pages 1475--1494, 10.5194/se-13-1475-2022. Go to article
  • Pang, M., Ba, J., Carcione, J.M., Balcewicz, M., Yue, W. and Saenger, E.H., 2022, Acoustic and Electrical Properties of Tight Rocks: A Comparative Study Between Experiment and Theory, Surveys of Geophysics, 43, Pages 1761–179, Go to article
  • Ruf, M. and Steeb, H., 2022, Effects of thermal treatment on acoustic waves in Carrara marble, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume 159, Pages 105205,10.1016/j.ijrmms.2022.105205. Go to article
  • Ruf, M., Taghizadeh, K and Steeb, H., 2022, Multi-scale characterization of granular media by in situ laboratory {X}-ray computed tomography, GAMM-Mitteilungen, Volume 45, Pages e20220001, 10.1002/gamm.202200011. Go to article
  • Siegert, M., Gurris, M., Finger, C. and Saenger, E.H., 2022. Numerical determination of pressure-dependent effective thermal conductivity in Berea sandstone. Geophysical Prospecting, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Lajevardi, S.A., Rezanejad, M., 2022, Numerical Analysis of Effect of Different Shapes of Pore on Tensile Crack Growth. Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering, Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 101-124, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Kadyrov, R., 2022, Multistep Super Resolution Double-U-net (SRDUN) for enhancing the resolution of Berea sandstone images, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 216, Go to article

Journal Publications 2021

  • Alkhimenkov, Y., Räss, L., Khakimova, L., Quintal, B., and Podladchikov, Y., 2021. Resolving wave propagation in anisotropic poroelastic media using graphical processing units (GPUs). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2020JB021175. Go to article
  • Alkhimenkov, Y., Khakimova, L., Podladchikov, Y. Y., 2021. Stability of discrete schemes of Biot’s poroelastic equations, Geophysical Journal International, ggaa584. Go to article
  • Balcewicz, M., Ahrens, B., Lippert, K., and Saenger, E. H., 2021. Characterization of discontinuities in potential reservoir rocks for geothermal applications in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area (Germany), Solid Earth, Go to article
  • Balcewicz, M., Siegert, M, Gurris, M., Ruf, M., Krach, D., Steeb, H., and Saenger, E. H., 2021. Digital rock physics: A geological driven workflow for the segmentation of anisotropic Ruhr sandstone, Front. Earth Sci., Go to article
  • Chapman, S., J. V. M. Borgomano, B. Quintal, S. M. Benson and J. Fortin, 2021, Seismic wave attenuation and dispersion due to partial fluid saturation: Direct measurements and numerical simulations based on X-Ray CT, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Go to article
  • Chen, Y., Steeb, H., Erfani, H., Karadimitriou, N.K., Walczak, M.S., Ruf, M., Lee, D., An, S., Hasan, S., Connolley, T., Vo, N.T., and Niasar, V., 2021, Nonuniqueness of hydrodynamic dispersion revealed using fast 4D synchrotron x-ray imaging, Science Advances, Volume 7, 10.1126/sciadv.abj0960. Go to article
  • Finger, C and Saenger, E.H., 2021. Determination of the time-dependent moment tensor using time-reverse imaging, Geophysics, Go to article
  • Finger, C., Saydak, L., Vu, G., Timothy, J.J., Meschke, G., and Saenger, E.H., 2021, Sensitivity of Ultrasonic Coda Wave Interferometry to Material Damage—Observations from a Virtual Concrete Lab. Materials, 14, 4033. Go to article
  • Gao, H., Tatomir, A.B., Karadimitriou, N.K., Steeb, H. and Sauter, M., 2021. A Two-Phase, Pore-Scale Reactive Transport Model for the Kinetic Interface-Sensitive Tracer, Water Resources Research, 57(6), e2020WR028572. Go to article
  • Ikeda, K., Subramaniyan, S., Quintal, B., Goldfarb, E.J., Saenger, E.H., and Tisato N., 2021. Low-Frequency Elastic Properties of a Polymineralic Carbonate: Laboratory Measurement and Digital Rock Physics, Front. Earth Sci., Go to article
  • Kolditz, O., Fischer, T., Frühwirt, T., Görke, U.-J., Helbig, C., Konietzky, H., Maßmann, J., Nest, M., Pötschke, D., Rink, K., Sattari, A., Schmidt, P., Steeb, H., Wuttke, F., Yoshioka, K., Vowinckel, B., Ziefle, G., and Nagel, T., 2021. GeomInt: geomechanical integrity of host and barrier rocks--experiments, models and analysis of discontinuities, Environmental Earth Sciences, 80(16),1-20. Go to article
  • Kruszewski, M., Hofmann H., Alvarez F.G., Bianco, C., Haro, A.J., Garduno, V.H., Liotta, D., Trumpy, E., Brogi, A, Wheeler, W., Bastesen, E., Parisio, F. and Saenger, E.H., 2021. Integrated Stress Field Estimation and Implications for Enhanced Geothermal System Development in Acoculco, Mexico, Geothermics, 89, 101931. Go to article
  • Kruszewski, M., Glissner, M., Hahn, S. and Wittig, V., 2021. Alkali-activated aluminosilicate sealing system for deep high-temperature well applications, Geothermics, 89, 101935. Go to article
  • Kruszewski, M., Montegrossi, G., Backers, T. and Saenger, E.H., 2021. In Situ Stress State of the Ruhr Region (Germany) and Its Implications for Permeability Anisotropy, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Go to article
  • Lissa, S., Ruf, M., Steeb, H. and Quintal, B., 2021. Digital rock physics applied to squirt flow, Geophysics, 86(4), 1-40. Go to article
  • Osorno, M., Schirwon, M., Kijanski, N., Sivanesapillai, R., Steeb, H. and Göddeke, D., 2021. A cross-platform, high-performance SPH toolkit for image-based flow simulations on the pore scale of porous media, Computer Physics Communications, Volume 267, 108059. Go to article
  • Pang, M., Ba, J., Carcione, J.M. and Saenger, E.H., 2021. Elastic-Electrical Rock-Physics Template for the Characterization of Tight-Oil Reservoir Rocks, Lithosphere, 3341849. Go to article
  • Pimienta, L., Quintal, B. and Caspari E., 2021. Hydro-mechanical coupling in porous rocks: hidden dependences to the microstructure?, Geophysical Journal International, 224 (2), 973-984. Go to article
  • Saenger, E.H., Finger, C., Karimpouli, S. and Tahmasebi, P., 2021. Single-Station Coda Wave Interferometry: A Feasibility Study Using Machine Learning, Materials, 14(13), 3451. Go to article
  • Schuck, B., Teutsch, T., Alber, S., Ressel, W., Steeb, H. and Ruf, M., 2021. Study of air void topology of asphalt with focus on air void constrictions--a review and research approach, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 22(sup1), S425-S443. Go to article
  • Siegert, M., Gurris, M. and Saenger, E.H., 2021. Validation suite for numerical solvers calculating effective thermal conductivity in porous media, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 189, 104323. Go to article
  • Solazzi, S.G., Quintal B. and Holliger K., 2021. Squirt flow in porous media saturated by Maxwell-type non-Newtonian fluids, Physical Review E, 103 (2), 023101. Go to article
  • Taghizadeh, K. and Steeb, H. and Luding, S. and Magnanimo, V., 2021. Elastic waves in particulate glass-rubber mixtures, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 477(2249), 20200834. Go to article
  • Tisato, N., Madonna, C. and Saenger, E.H., 2021. Attenuation of Seismic Waves in Partially Saturated Berea Sandstone as a Function of Frequency and Confining Pressure, Front. Earth Sci., Go to article
  • Vu, G., Timothy, J.J., Singh, D.S, Saydak, L. A., Saenger, E.H. and Meschke, G., 2021. Numerical Simulation-Based Damage Identification in Concrete, Modelling, 2 (3), 355-369; Go to article
  • Wagner, A., Eggenweiler, E., Weinhardt, F., Trivedi, Z., Krach, D., Lohrmann, C., Jain, K., Karadimitriou, N., Bringedal, C., Voland, P., Holm, C., Class, H., Steeb, H., and Rybak, I., 2021. Permeability Estimation of Regular Porous Structures: A Benchmark for Comparison of Methods, Transport in Porous Media, 138(1), 1-23. Go to article
  • Weinhardt, F., Class, H., Vahid Dastjerdi, S., Karadimitriou, N., Lee, Dongwon and Steeb, H., 2021 Experimental Methods and Imaging for Enzymatically Induced Calcite Precipitation in a Microfluidic Cell, Water Resources Research, 57(3), e2020WR029361. Go to article
  • Yiotis, A., Karadimitriou, N.K., Zarikos, I. and Steeb, H., 2021 Pore-scale effects during the transition from capillary-to viscosity-dominated flow dynamics within microfluidic porous-like domains, Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-16. Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Lajevardi, S.A., Golabi, M.M., 2021, Modeling of crack initiation and propagation in porous samples due to fluid pressure using Abacus software. Journal of Mining Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 53, Pages 92-112, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Nazari, S., Amiri, A.A., Rouhani, A.A., 2021, Application of Remote Sensing and Field Geophysics for Exploration of Cu Deposits in Bab-Zangoeie, Chahar-Gonbad Region of Kerman, Iran. Journal of Engineering Geology, Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages 23-25, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Lajevardi, S.A., Rezanezhad, M., 2021, An investigation on prevalent strategies for XFEM-based numerical modeling of crack growth in porous media. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, Volume 15, Go to article
  • Karimpouli, S., Lajevardi, S.A., Rezanezhad, M., 2021, Application of equivalent circle and ellipse for pore shape modeling in crack growth problem: A numerical investigation in microscale. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 253, Go to article

Journal Publications 2020

  • Alkhimenkov, Y., Caspari, E., Gurevich, B., Barbosa, N. D., Glubokovskikh, S., Hunziker, J., & Quintal, B., 2020. Frequency-dependent attenuation and dispersion caused by squirt flow: Three-dimensional numerical study, Geophysics, 85(3), 1-71. Go to article
  • Alkhimenkov, Y., Caspari, E., Lissa, S., & Quintal, B., 2020. Azimuth-, angle-and frequency-dependent seismic velocities of cracked rocks due to squirt flow, Solid Earth, 11(3), 855-871. Go to article
  • Chen, X., Espinoza, D. N., Luo, J. S., Tisato, N., & Flemings, P. B., 2020. Pore-scale evidence of ion exclusion during methane hydrate growth and evolution of hydrate pore-habit in sandy sediments, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 117, 104340. Go to article
  • Favino, M., Hunziker, J., Caspari, E., Quintal, B., Holliger, K., and Krause, R., 2020. Fully-automated adaptive mesh refinement for media embedding complex heterogeneities: application to poroelastic fluid pressure diffusion, Computational Geosciences, 24, 1101–1120, doi: 10.1007/s10596-019-09928-2. Go to article
  • Finger, C. and Saenger E.H., 2020, Sensitivity Maps for Time-Reverse Imaging: An Accuracy Study for the Los Humeros Geothermal Field (Mexico), Geophysical Journal International, 222 (1), 231–246, Go to article
  • Hasan, S., V. Niasar, N. Karadimitriou, J. Godinho, N. Vo, S. An, A. Rabbania, and H. Steeb, 2020. Direct characterization of solute transport in unsaturated porous media using fast X-ray synchrotron microtomography, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), DOI:10.1073/pnas.2011716117. Go to article
  • Ikeda, K., Goldfarb, E., & Tisato, N., 2020. Calculating Effective Elastic Properties of Berea Sandstone Using the Segmentation-less Method without Targets, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2019JB018680. Go to article
  • Karimpouli S., Faraji A., Balcewicz M and Saenger E.H., 2020, Computing heterogeneous core sample velocity using Digital Rock Physics: A multiscale approach, Computers & Geosciences, 135 (2), 104378, DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2019.104378. Go to article
  • Karimpouli S., Tahmasebi P., Saenger E. H., 2020, Coal Cleat/Fracture Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Natural Resources Research, 29, 1675–1685, DOI: 10.1007/s11053-019-09536-y. Go to article
  • Kijanski, N., D. Krach, and H. Steeb, 2020. An SPH Approach for Non-Spherical Particles Immersed in Newtonian Fluids, Materials, 13(10):2324, DOI:10.3390/ma13102324. Go to article
  • Kocur, G., Y. Harmanci, E. Chatzi, H. Steeb, and B. Markert, 2020. Automated identification of the coefficient of restitution via bouncing ball measurement, Archive of Applied Mechanics, DOI:10.1007/s00419-020-01751-x. Go to article
  • Lissa, S., Barbosa, N. D., Caspari, E., Alkhimenkov, Y., & Quintal, B., 2020. Squirt flow in cracks with rough walls, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. Go to article
  • Löer K., Toledo, T., Norini, G., Zhang, X, Curtis, A. and Saenger E. H., 2020. Imaging the Deep Structures of Los Humeros Geothermal Field, Mexico, Using Three‐Component Seismic Noise Beamforming, Seismological Research Letters, 91 (6), 3269–3277, doi: 10.1785/0220200022. Go to article
  • Nguyen L. T. and Saenger E.H., 2020, Guided ultrasonic wavefield cross-correlation with a curved array for high-resolution plate inspection, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, gxaa004, Go to article
  • Ruf, M. and Steeb, H., 2020. An open, modular and flexible μXRCT system for research, Review of Scientific Instruments, 91:113102, 2020, DOI:10.1063/5.0019541. Go to article
  • Sauerwein, M. and Steeb, H., 2020. Modeling of dynamic hydrogel swelling within the pore space of a porous medium, International Journal of Engineering Sciences, 155:103353, DOI:10.1016/j.ijengsci.2020.103353. Go to article
  • Sepúlveda, J., Arancibia, G., Molina, E., Gilbert, J. P, Duda, M., Browning, J., Roquer, T., Morata, D., Ahrens, B., Bracke, R., 2020. Thermo-mechanical behavior of a granodiorite from the Liquiñe fractured geothermal system (39°S) in the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes, Geothermics, 87, 101828. Go to article
  • Schepp, L.L., Ahrens, B., Balcewicz, M., Duda, M., Nehler, M., Osorno, M., Uribe, D., Steeb, H., Nigon, B.,; Stöckhert, F., Swanson, D.A., Siegert, M., Gurris, M., Saenger, E.H., 2020, Digital rock physics and laboratory considerations on a high-porosity volcanic rock, Scientific Reports 10, 5840, Go to article or to the related data download
  • Zhao, Q., Glaser, S. D., Tisato, N., & Grasselli, G., 2020. Assessing Energy Budget of Laboratory Fault Slip Using Rotary Shear Experiments and Micro‐Computed Tomography, Geophysical Research Letters, 47(1). Go to article

Journal Publications 2019

  • Barbosa N. D., Hunziker J., Lissa S., Saenger E. H., Lupi M., 2019, Fracture Unclogging: A Numerical Study of Seismically Induced Viscous Shear Stresses in Fluid‐Saturated Fractured Rocks, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, doi: 10.1029/2019JB017984. Go to article
  • Caspari E., Novikov M., Lisita V., Barbosa N. D., Quintal B., Rubino J. G., Holliger K., 2019, Attenuation mechanisms in fractured fluid-saturated porous rocks: a numerical modelling study, Geophysical Prospecting, 67, 935–955, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12667. Go to article
  • Chapman, S., J. V. M. Borgomano, H. Yin, J. Fortin and B. Quintal, 2019, Forced oscillation measurements of seismic wave attenuation and stiffness moduli dispersion in glycerine-saturated Berea sandstone, Geophysical Prospecting, 67, 956–968, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12710. Go to article
  • Cortés C., Osorno M., Uribe D., Steeb H., Ruiz‐Salguero O., Barandiarán I. and Flórez J., 2019: Geometry simplification of open‐cell porous materials for elastic deformation FEA, Engineering with Computers, 35, 257–276. Go to article
  • Faccenda, M., Ferreira, A. M. G., Tisato, N., Lithgow-Bertelloni, C., Stixrude, L., & Pennacchioni, G., 2019. Extrinsic elastic anisotropy in a compositionally heterogeneous Earth’s mantle, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. Go to article
  • Jänicke R., Quintal B., Larsson F., Runesson K. , 2019, Identification of viscoelastic properties from numerical model reduction of pressure diffusion in fluid-saturated porous rock with fractures, Computational Mechanics, 63, 49-67, doi: 10.1007/s00466-018-1584-7. Go to article
  • Jänicke R., Quintal B., Larsson F., Runesson K., 2019, Viscoelastic substitute models for seismic attenuation caused by squirt flow and fracture leak off, Geophysics, 84 (4), WA183–WA189. Go to article
  • Kruszewski, M., Montegrossi, G., Ramirez-Montes, M., Wittig, V., Gomez-Garcia, A., Sanchez-Luviano, M. and Bracke, R., 2019. A wellbore cement sheath damage prediction model with the integration of acoustic wellbore measurements, Geothermics, 80, 195-207, DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2019.03.007. Go to article
  • Karadimitriou, N.K., Mahani H., Steeb H., Niassar V., 2019. Nonmonotonic Effects of Salinity on Wettability Alteration and Two‐Phase Flow Dynamics in PDMS Micromodels, Water Resources Research, 55 (11), 9826-9837, DOI: 10.1029/2018WR024252. Go to article
  • Lissa S., Barbosa N. D., Rubino J. G., Quintal B., 2019, Seismic attenuation and dispersion in poroelastic media with fractures of variable aperture distributions, Solid Earth, 1321-1336. Go to article
  • Mollajan A., Memarian H., Quintal B. , 2019, Imperialist competitive algorithm optimization method for nonlinear amplitude variation with angle inversion, Geophysics, 84 (3), N81-N92. Go to article
  • Mollajan A., Memarian H., Quintal B. , 2019, Sparse Bayesian linearized amplitude‐versus‐angle inversion, Geophysical Prospecting. Go to article
  • Ramos, M. J., Espinoza, D. N., Goldfarb, E. J., Tisato, N., Laubach, S. E., & Torres-Verdín, C., 2019. Microstructural controls on elastic anisotropy of finely laminated Mancos Shale, Geophysical Journal International, 216(2), 991–1004. Go to article
  • Quintal B., Caspari E., Holliger K., Steeb H., 2019, Numerically quantifying energy loss caused by squirt flow, Geophysical Prospecting. Go to article
  • Quintal B., Steeb H., Saenger E. H., Caspari E., and Lebedev M., 2019, Hydromechanical phenomena at the pore scale and their upscaling — Introduction, Geophysics, 84 (4), WAi–WAii. Go to article
  • Saxena N., Hofmann R., Hows A., Saenger E. H., Duranti L., Stefani J., Wiegmann A., Kerimov A., and Kabel M., 2019, Rock compressibility from microcomputed tomography images: Controls on digital rock simulations, Geophysics, 84 (4), WA127–WA139. Go to article
  • Schmidt P., Steeb H., 2019. Numerical aspects of hydro-mechanical coupling of fluid-filled fractures using hybrid-dimensional element formulations and non-conformal meshes, GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics, 10, DOI: 10.1007/s13137-019-0127-5. Go to article
  • Spikes, K. T., Tisato, N., Hess, T. E., & Holt, J. W., 2019.Comparison of geophone and surface-deployed distributed acoustic sensing seismic data, Geophysics, 84 (2), 1MA-Z11. Go to article
  • Steeb H., Renner J., 2019. Mechanics of Poro-Elastic Media: A Review with Emphasis on Foundational State Variables, Transport in Porous Media, 130, 437-461, DOI: 10.1007/s11242-019-01319-6. Go to article

Journal Publications 2018

  • Ahrens, B., M. Duda and J. Renner (2018): Relations between hydraulic properties and ultrasonic velocities during brittle failure of a low-porosity sandstone in laboratory experiments, Geophys. J. Int., 212, 627-645. Go to article
  • Chapman, S. and B. Quintal, 2018, Numerical analysis of local strain measurements in fluid saturated rocks submitted to forced oscillations, Geophysics, 83, MR309–MR316.Go to article
  • Chapman S., Quintal B., Holliger K., Baumgartner L. and Tisato N., 2018: Laboratory measurements of seismic attenuation and Young’s modulus dispersion in a partially and fully water-saturated porous sample made of sintered borosilicate glass, Geophysical Prospecting. Go to article
  • De Waele J., D’Angeli I. M., Bontognali T., Tuccimei P., Scholz D., Jochum K. P., Columbu A., Bernasconi S. M., Fornos J. J., Gonzales E. R. G. and Tisato N., 2018: Speleothems in a north Cuban cave register sea‐level changes and Pleistocene uplift rates, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Go to article
  • Ghobadi J., Elsayed M., Krause-Rehberg R. and Steeb H., 2018: Demonstrating the Influence of Physical Aging on the Functional Properties of Shape-Memory Polymers, Polymers 10, 107. Go to article
  • Ghobadi J., Marquardt A., Zirdehi E. M., Neuking K., Varnik F., Eggeler G. and Steeb H., 2018: The influence of water- and solvent-uptake on functional properties of Shape Memory Polymers, International Journal of Polymer Science 2018, Article ID 7819353. Go to article
  • Hunziker J., Favino M., Caspari E., Quintal B., Rubino J. G., Krause R., and Holliger K., 2018, Seismic attenuation and stiffness modulus dispersion in porous rocks containing stochastic fracture networks, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 123, 125-143, doi: 10.1002/2017JB014566. Go to article
  • Karimpouli S., Khoshlesan S., Saenger E. H. and Koochi H. H., 2018, Application of alternative digital rock physics methods in a real case study: a challenge between clean and cemented samples, Geophysical Prospecting, 66(4), 767-783. Go to article
  • Kruszewski M., Wittig V., 2018, Review of failure modes in supercritical geothermal drilling projects, Geothermal Energy, 6:28. Go to article
  • Lavasan A. A., Zhao C., Schaufler A., Steeb H. and Schanz T., 2018: Numerical investigation of the tunneling in saturated soil in construction and operation periods, Acta Geotechnica 13, 671–691. Go to article
  • Löer K., Riahi N. and Saenger E. H., 2018: Three-component ambient noise beamforming in the Parkfield area, Geophysical Journal International 213,1478–1491. Go to article
  • Mollajan A., Memarian H., Quintal B., 2018. Nonlinear rock-physics inversion using artificial neural network optimized by imperialist competitive algorithm, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 155, 138-148. Go to article
  • Nguyen L. T., Kocur G. K. and Saenger E. H., 2018: Defect mapping in pipes by ultrasonic wavefield cross-correlation: A synthetic verification, Ultrasonics 90, 153-165. Go to article
  • Sell K., Quintal B., Kersten M. and Saenger E. H., 2018. Squirt flow due to interfacial water films in hydrate bearing sediments, Solid Earth, 9, 699-711. Go to article
  • Werner, C and Saenger E. H., 2018. Obtaining reliable source locations with time reverse imaging: limits to array design, velocity models and signal-to-noise ratios, Solid Earth, 9, 1487–1505. Go to article
  • Zhao, Q., Tisato, N., Kovaleva, O., & Grasselli, G., 2018. Direct observation of faulting by means of rotary shear tests under X-ray micro-computed tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. Go to article

Journal Publications 2017

  • Chapman S., Quintal B., Tisato N. and Holliger K., 2017: Frequency scaling of seismic attenuation in rocks saturated with two fluid phases, Geophysical Journal International 208, 221–225. Go to article
  • De Siena L., Chiodini G., Vilardo G., Del Pezzo E., Castellano M., Colombelli S., Tisato N. and Ventura G., 2017: Source and dynamics of a volcanic caldera unrest: Campi Flegrei, 1983–84, Scientific Reports 7(1), 1-13. Go to article
  • De Waele J., D'Angeli I. M., Tisato N., Tuccimei P., Soligo M., Joaquin G., Gines A., Fornos J. J., Villa M., Esteban G. G., Bernasconi S. M. and Bontognali T. R. R., 2017: Coastal uplift rate at Matanzas (Cuba) inferred from MIS5e phreatic overgrowths on speleothems, Terra Nova 29(2), 98-105. Go to article
  • Grab M., Quintal B., Caspari E., Deuber C., Maurer H. and Greenhalgh S., 2017: The effect of boiling on seismic properties of water-saturated fractured rock, Journal of Geophysical Research 122, 9228–9252. Go to article
  • Grab M., Quintal B., Caspari E., Maurer H. and Greenhalgh S., 2017: Numerical modeling of fluid effects on seismic properties of fractured magmatic geothermal reservoirs, Solid Earth 8, 255–279. Go to article
  • Güven I., Frijters S., Harting J., Luding S. and Steeb H., 2017: Hydraulic properties of sintered glass bead systems, Granular Matter 19, 28. Go to article
  • Güven I., Luding S. and Steeb H., 2017: Incoherent waves in granular media: Scattering phenomena, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 140, 011018. Go to article
  • Kant M. A., Ammann J., Rossi E., Madonna C., Höser D. and Rudolf von Rohr P., 2017: Thermal properties of Central Aare granite for temperatures up to 500°C: Irreversible changes due to thermal crack formation, Geophysical Research Letters 44, 771–776. Go to article
  • Kant M. A., Rossi E., Madonna C., Höser D. and Rudolf von Rohr P., 2017: A theory on thermal spalling of rocks with a focus on thermal spallation drilling, Journal of Geophysical Research 122, 1805–1815. Go to article
  • Lupi M., Frehner M., Weis P., Skelton A., Saenger E. H., Tisato N., Geiger S., Chiodini G. and Driesner T., 2017: Regional earthquakes followed by delayed ground uplifts at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy: Arguments for a causal link, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 474, 436–446. Go to article
  • Lupi M., Fuchs, F. and Saenger E. H., 2017: Numerical simulations of passing seismic waves at the Larderello-Travale Geothermal Field, Italy, Geophysical Research Letters 44, 5418-5426. Go to article
  • Mallet C., Quintal B., Caspari E. and Holliger K., 2017: Frequency-dependent attenuation in water-saturated cracked glass based on creep tests, Geophysics 82, MR89–MR96. Go to article
  • Nabavi S. T., Alavi S. A., Mohammadi S., Ghassemi M. R. and Frehner M., 2017: Analysis of transpression within contractional fault steps using finite-element method, Journal of Structural Geology 96, 1–20. Go to article
  • Subramaniyan S., Quintal B. and Saenger E. H., 2017: Forced-oscillation measurements of seismic attenuation in fluid-saturated sandstone, Acta Geophysica 65, 165–172. Go to article
  • von Däniken P. A. and Frehner M., 2017: 3D structural model and kinematic interpretation of the Panixer Pass Transverse Zone (Infrahelvetic Complex, eastern Switzerland), Swiss Journal of Geosciences 110, 653–675. Go to article
  • Wenning Q. C., Berthet T., Ask M., Zappone A., Rosberg J.-E. and Almqvist B. S. G., 2017: Image log analysis of in-situ stress orientation, breakout growth, and natural geologic structures to 2.5 km depth in central Scandinavian Caledonides: Results from the COSC-1 borehole, Journal of Geophysical Research 122, 3999–4019. Go to article
  • Zhao Q., Tisato N. and Grasselli G., 2017: Rotary shear experiments under X-ray micro-computed tomography, Review of Scientific Instruments 88(1). Go to article

Journal Publications 2016

  • Bakker R.R., Frehner M. and Lupi M., 2016: How temperature-dependent elasticity alters host rock/magmatic reservoir models: A case study on the effects of ice-cap unloading on shallow volcanic systems, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 456, 16–25. Go to article
  • Biryukov A., Tisato N. and Grasselli G., 2016: Attenuation of elastic waves in bentonite and monitoring of radioactive waste repositories, Geophysical Journal International 205(1), 105–121. Go to article
  • Bontognali T. R. R., D'Angeli I. M., Tisato N., Vasconcelos C., Bernasconi S. M., Gonzales E. R. G. and De Waele J., 2016: Mushroom Speleothems: Stromatolites That Formed in the Absence of Phototrophs, Frontiers in Earth Science 4. Go to article
  • Caspari E., Milani M., Rubino J.G., Müller T.M., Quintal B. and Holliger K., 2016: Numerical upscaling of frequency-dependent P- and S-wave moduli in fractured porous media, Geophysical Prospecting 64, 1166–1179. Go to article
  • Chapman S., Tisato N., Quintal B. and Holliger K., 2016: Seismic attenuation in partially saturated Berea sandstone for a range of confining pressures, Journal of Geophysical Research 121, 1664–1676. Go to article
  • Frehner M., 2016: 3D fold growth in transpression, Tectonophysics 693, 183–196. Go to article
  • Frehner M., 2016: Paul Niggli Medal 2015 awarded to Marcel Frehner, Swiss Journal of Geosciences 109, 117–119. Go to article
  • Frehner M. and Schmid T., 2016: Parasitic folds with wrong vergence: How pre-existing asymmetries can be inherited during multilayer buckle folding, Journal of Structural Geology 87, 19–29. Go to article
  • Ghobadi E., Sivanesapillai R., Musialak J. and Steeb H., 2016: Modeling Based Characterization of Thermorheological Properties of Polyurethane ESTANE, International Journal of Polymer Science, Article ID 7514974. Go to article
  • Kocur G.K., Saenger E.H., Grosse C.U. and Vogel T., 2016: Time reverse modeling of acoustic emissions in a reinforced concrete beam, Ultrasonics 65, 96–104. Go to article
  • Kurzeja P., Strutz M. A., Steeb H. and Renner J., 2016: Oscillatory fluid flow in deformable tubes: Implications for pore-scale hydromechanics from comparing experimental observations with theoretical predictions, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140, 4378–4395. Go to article
  • Markauskas D., Kruggel-Emden H., Sivanesapillai R. and Steeb H., 2016: Comparative study on mesh-based and mesh-less coupled CFD-DEM methods to model particle-laden flow, Powder Technology 305, 78-88. Go to article
  • Milani M., Rubino J.G., Müller T.M., Quintal B., Caspari E. and Holliger K., 2016: Representative elementary volumes for evaluating effective seismic properties of heterogeneous poroelastic media, Geophysics 81, D177–D189. Go to article
  • Quintal B., Rubino J.G., Caspari E. and Holliger K., 2016: A simple hydro-mechanical approach for simulating squirt-type flow and evaluating the associated energy dissipation, Geophysics 81, D335–D344. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Lebedev M., Uribe D., Osorno M., Vialle S., Duda M., Iglauer S. and Steeb H., 2016: Analysis of high-resolution X-ray computed tomography images of Bentheim sandstone under elevated confining pressures, Geophysical Prospecting 64, 848–859. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Vialle S., Lebedev M., Uribe D., Osorno M., Duda M. and Steeb H., 2016: Digital carbonate rock physics, Solid Earth 7, 1185–1197. Go to article
  • Schüler T., Jänicke R. and Steeb H., 2016: Nonlinear modeling and computational homogenization of asphalt concrete on the basis of XRCT scans, Construction and Building Materials 109, 98–108. Go to article
  • Sell K., Saenger E.H., Falenty A., Chaouachi M., Habenthür D., Enzmann F., Kuhs W.F. and Kersten M., 2016: On the path to the digital rock physics of gas hydrate-bearing sediments - Processing of in situ synchrotron-tomography data, Solid Earth 7,1243–1258. Go to article
  • Shih P.-J.R. and Frehner M., 2016: Laboratory evidence for Krauklis wave resonance in fractures and implications for seismic coda wave analysis, Geophysics 81, T285–T293. Go to article
  • Sivanesapillai R., Falkner N., Hartmeier A. and Steeb H., 2016: Pore-scale SPH study on the evolution of interfacial areas in porous media during primary drainage and imbibition, Advances in Water Resources 95, 212-234. Go to article
  • Sun L. F., Milkereit B. and Tisato N., 2016: Analysis of velocity dispersion using full-waveform multichannel sonic logging data: A case study: Analyzing velocity dispersion, Geophysical Prospecting 64(4), 1016–1029. Go to article

Journal Publications 2015

  • D'Angeli I.M., De Waele J., Melendres O.C., Tisato N., Sauro F., Gonzales E.R.G., Bernasconi S.M., Torriani S., Bontognali T.R.R., 2015: Genesis of folia in a non-thermal epigenic cave (Matanzas, Cuba), Geomorphology 228, 526–535. Go to article
  • Frehner M., Ling A.H.M. and Gärtner-Roer I., 2015: Furrow-and-ridge morphology on rockglaciers explained by gravity-driven buckle folding: A case study from the Murtèl rockglacier (Switzerland), Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 26, 57–66. Go to article
  • Goodfellow S. D., Tisato N., Ghofranitabari M., Nasseri M. H. B. and Young R. P., 2015: Attenuation Properties of Fontainebleau Sandstone During True-Triaxial Deformation using Active and Passive Ultrasonics, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48(6), 2551–2566. Go to article
  • Jänicke R., Larsson F., Runesson K. and Steeb H., 2015: Numerical identification of a viscoelastic substitute model for heterogeneous poroelastic media by a reduced order homogenization approach, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 298, 108-120. Go to article
  • Jänicke R., Quintal B. and Steeb H., 2015: Numerical homogenization of mesoscopic loss in poroelastic media, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 49, 382–395. Go to article
  • Monachesi L.B., Rubino J.G., Rosas-Carbajal M., Jougnot D., Linde N., Quintal B. and Holliger K., 2015: An analytical study of seismoelectric signals produced by 1-D mesoscopic heterogeneities, Geophysical Journal International 201, 329–342. Go to article
  • Osorno M. C., Uribe D., Ruiz O. and Steeb H., 2015: Finite Difference Calculations of Permeability in Large Domains in a Wide Porosity Range, Archive of Applied Mechanics 85, 1043–1054. Go to article
  • Rubino J.G., Quintal B., Holliger K., Müller T.M., Guarracino L., Jänicke R. and Steeb H., 2015: Energy dissipation of seismic P- and S-waves in fluid-saturated rocks: An overview focusing on hydraulically connected fractures, Journal of Earth Science 26, 785–790. Go to article
  • Subramaniyan S., Quintal B., Madonna C. and Saenger E.H., 2015: Laboratory-based seismic attenuation in Fontainebleau sandstone: Evidence of squirt flow, Journal of Geophysical Research 120, 7526–7535. Go to article
  • Tisato N., Quintal B., Chapman S., Podladchikov Y. and Burg J.-P., 2015: Bubbles attenuate elastic waves at seismic frequencies: First experimental evidence, Geophysical Research Letters 42, 3880–3887. Go to article
  • Tisato N., Torriani S., Monteaux S., Sauro F., De Waele J., Tavagna M. L., D'Angeli I. M., Chailloux D., Renda D., Eglinton T. and Bontognali T. R. R., 2015: Microbial mediation of complex subterranean mineral structures, Scientific Reports 5, 15525. Go to article
  • Vinci C., Steeb H. and Renner J., 2015: The imprint of hydro-mechanics of fractures in periodic pumping tests, Geophysical Journal International 202, 1613-1626. Go to article
  • Zhao Q., Tisato N., Grasselli G., Mahabadi O. K., Lisjak A. and Liu Q., 2015: Influence of in situ stress variations on acoustic emissions: a numerical study, Geophysical Journal International 203(2), 1246–1252. Go to article
  • Zhong X., Frehner M., Kunze K. and Zappone A.S., 2015: A numerical and experimental investigation on seismic anisotropy of Finero peridotite, Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Northern Italy, in Materials Science and Engineering (Eds: Skrotzki W. and Oertel C.-G.), Volume 82 of IOP Conference Series, IOP Science and Publishing, 012072. Go to article
  • Zhou B., Mason I., Greenhalgh S. and Subramaniyan S., 2015: Seeing coal-seam top ahead of the drill bit through seismic-while-drilling, Geophysical Prospecting 63, 166–182. Go to article

Journal Publications 2014

  • Biryukov A., Tisato N. and Grasselli G. 2014: Workflow to numerically reproduce laboratory ultrasonic datasets, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 6, 582–590. Go to article
  • Delle Piane C., Sarout J., Madonna C., Saenger E.H., Dewhurst D.N. and Raven M., 2014: Frequency-dependent seismic attenuation in shales: Experimental results and theoretical analysis, Geophysical Journal International 198, 504–515. Go to article
  • Frehner M., 2014: Krauklis wave initiation in fluid-filled fractures by seismic body waves, Geophysics 79, T27–T35. Go to article
  • Frehner M., 2014: 3D fold growth rates, Terra Nova 26, 417–424. Go to article
  • Frehner M. and Exner U., 2014: Strain and foliation refraction patterns around buckle folds, in Deformation Structures and Processes within the Continental Crust (Eds: Llana-Fúnez S., Marcos A. and Bastida F.), Volume 394 of The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, The Geological Society of London, pp. 21–37, ISBN 978-1-86239-627-2. Go to article
  • Fusseis F., Steeb H., Xiao X., Zhu W., Butler I., Elphick S. and Mäder U., 2014: A low-cost x-ray transparent experimental cell for Synchrotron-based x-ray microtomography studies at geological reservoir conditions, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 21, 251-253. Go to article
  • Gehring A.U., Riahi N., Kind J., Almqvist B.S.G. and Weidler P., 2014: The formation of the Namib Sand Sea inferred from the spatial pattern of magnetic rock fragments, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 395, 168–172. Go to article
  • Kazakeviciute-Makovska R., Aydin A. O. and Steeb H., 2014: Characterization of shape memory polymer Estane (TM) by means of dynamic mechanical thermal analysis technique, Smart Materials Research 2014, Article ID 250258. Go to article
  • Kazakeviciute-Makovska R., Heuchel M., Kratz K. and Steeb H., 2014: Universal relations in linear thermoelastic theories of thermally-responsive shape memory polymers, International Journal of Engineering Science 82, 140-158. Go to article
  • Kurzeja P. and Steeb H., 2014: Variational Formulation of Oscillating Fluid Clusters and Oscillator-like Classification: Part I - Theory, Physics of Fluids 26, 042106. Go to article
  • Kurzeja P. and Steeb H., 2014: Variational Formulation of Oscillating Fluid Clusters and Oscillator-like Classification: Part II - Numerical study of pinned liquid clusters, Physics of Fluids 26, 042107. Go to article
  • Kuteynikova M., Tisato N., Jänicke R. and Quintal B., 2014: Numerical modeling and laboratory measurements of seismic attenuation in partially saturated rock, Geophysics 79, L13–L20. Go to article
  • Lupi M. and Miller S.A., 2014: Short-lived tectonic switch mechanism for long-term pulses of volcanic activity after mega-thrust earthquakes, Solid Earth 5, 13–24. Go to article
  • Mecchia M., Sauro F., Piccini L., De Waele J., Sanna L., Tisato N., Lira J., Vergara F., 2014: Geochemistry of surface and subsurface waters in quartz-sandstones: significance for the geomorphic evolution of tepui table mountains (Gran Sabana, Venezuela), Journal of Hydrology 511, 117–138. Go to article
  • Quintal B., Jänicke R., Rubino J.G., Steeb H. and Holliger K., 2014: Sensitivity of S-wave attenuation to the connectivity of fractures in fluid-saturated rocks, Geophysics 79, WB15–WB24. Go to article
  • Riahi N. and Saenger E.H., 2014: Rayleigh and Love wave anisotropy in southern California using seismic noise, Geophysical Research Letters 41, 363–369. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Madonna C., Frehner M. and Almqvist B.S.G., 2014: Numerical support of laboratory experiments: Attenuation and velocity estimations, Acta Geophysica 61, 1–11. Go to article
  • Sala P., Pfiffner O.A. and Frehner M., 2014: The Alpstein in three dimensions: fold-and-thrust belt visualization in the Helvetic zone, Switzerland, Swiss Journal of Geosciences 107, 177–195. Download related data. Go to article
  • Sauro F., Tisato N., De Waele J., Bernasconi S.M., Bontognali T.R.R. and Galli E., 2014: Source and genesis of sulphate and phosphate–sulphate minerals in a quartz-sandstone cave environment, Sedimentology 61, 1433–1451. Go to article
  • Sivanesapillai R., Steeb H. and Hartmeier A., 2014: Transition of effective hydraulic properties from low to high Reynolds number flow in porous media, Geophysical Research Letters 41, 4920-4928. Go to article
  • Steeb H., Kurzeja P. and Schmalholz S. M., 2014: Wave propagation in unsaturated porous media, Acta Mechanica 225, 2435-2448. Go to article
  • Subramaniyan S., Quintal B., Tisato N., Saenger E.H. and Madonna C., 2014: An overview of laboratory apparatuses to measure seismic attenuation in reservoir rocks, Geophysical Prospecting 62, 1211–1223. Go to article
  • Tisato N. and Quintal B., 2014: Laboratory measurements of seismic attenuation in sandstone: Strain versus saturation effects, Geophysics 79, WB9–WB14. Go to article
  • Tisato N., Quintal B., Chapman S., Madonna C., Subramaniyan S., Frehner M., Saenger E.H. and Grasselli G., 2014: Seismic attenuation in partially saturated rocks: recent advances and future directions, The Leading Edge 33, 640–646. Go to article
  • Tomar S. K., Bhagwan J. and Steeb H., 2014: Time harmonic waves in thermo-viscoelastic material with voids, Journal of Vibration and Control 20, 1119-1136. Go to article
  • Vinci C., Renner J. and Steeb H., 2014: A hybrid-dimensional approach for an efficient numerical modeling of the hydro-mechanics of fractures, Water Resources Research 50, 1616-1635. Go to article
  • Vinci C., Renner J. and Steeb H., 2014: On attenuation of seismic waves associated with flow in fractures, Geophysical Research Letters 41, 7515-7523. Go to article
  • Zhong X., Frehner M., Kunze K. and Zappone A., 2014: A novel EBSD-based finite-element wave propagation model for investigating seismic anisotropy: Application to Finero Peridotite, Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Northern Italy, Geophysical Research Letters 41, 7105–7114. Go to article

Journal Publications 2013

  • Andrä H., Combaret N., Dvorkin J., Glatt E., Han J., Krzikalla F., Lee M., Madonna C., Marsh M., Mukerji T., Ricker S., Saenger E.H., Sain R., Saxena N., Wiegmann A. and Zhan X., 2013: Digital rock physics benchmarks - Part I: Imaging and segmentation, Computers & Geosciences 50, 25–32. Go to article
  • Andrä H., Combaret N., Dvorkin J., Glatt E., Han J., Krzikalla F., Lee M., Madonna C., Marsh M., Mukerji T., Ricker S., Saenger E.H., Sain R., Saxena N., Wiegmann A. and Zhan X., 2013: Digital rock physics benchmarks - Part II: Computing effective properties, Computers & Geosciences 50, 33–43. Go to article
  • Frehner M., 2013: Krauklis wave initiation in fluid-filled fractures by a passing body wave, in Poromechanics V: Proceedings of the fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics (Eds: Hellmich C., Pichler B. and Adam D.), American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 92–100, ISBN 978-0-7844-1299-2. Go to article
  • Frehner M., 2013: Photograph of the month, Journal of Structural Geology 55, 196. Go to article
  • Jeong J., Sardini P., Ramezani H., Siitari-Kauppi M. and Steeb H. 2013: Modeling of the induced chemo-mechanical stress through porous cement mortar subjected to CO2: Enhanced micro-dilatation theory and 14C-PMMA method, Computational Materials Science 69, 466-480. Go to article
  • Kazakeviciute-Makovska R., Mogharebi S., Steeb H., Eggeler G. and Neuking K., 2013: A Critical Assessment of Experimental Methods for Determining the Dynamic Mechanical Characteristics of Shape Memory Polymers, Advanced Engineering Materials 15-8, 732–739. Go to article
  • Kocur G.K., Saenger E.H. and Vogel T., 2013: Time reverse modeling versus automatic onset detection: A study on the localization of acoustic emissions in reinforced concrete, in Nondestructive Testing of Materials and Structures (Eds: Büyüköztürk O., Taşdemir M.A., Güneş O. and Akkaya Y.), Volume 6 of RILEM Bookseries, Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-94-007-0722-1. Go to article
  • Lambert M.-A., Saenger E.H., Quintal B. and Schmalholz S.M., 2013: Numerical simulation of ambient seismic wavefield modification caused by pore-fluid effects in an oil reservoir, Geophysics 78, T41–T52. Go to article
  • Lupi M., Saenger E.H., Fuchs F. and Miller S.A., 2013: Lusi mud eruption triggered by geometric focusing of seismic waves, Nature Geoscience 6, 642–646. Go to article
  • Madonna C., Quintal B., Frehner M., Almqvist B.S.G., Tisato N., Pistone M., Marone F. and Saenger E.H., 2013: Synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy for rock microstructure investigations, Geophysics 78, D53–D64. Go to article or to the related data download
  • Madonna C. and Tisato N., 2013: A new Seismic Wave Attenuation Module to experimentally measure low-frequency attenuation in extensional mode, Geophysical Prospecting 61, 302–314. Go to article
  • Mogharebi S., Kazakeviciute-Makovska R., Steeb H., Eggeler G. and Neuking K., 2013: On the Cyclic Material Stability of Shape Memory Polymer Estane (TM), Materials Science and Engineering Technology 44-6, 521-526. Go to article
  • Müller P., Kazakeviciute-Makovska R. and Steeb H., 2013: On strain measurements in soft (rubbery) and stiff (glassy) polymeric materials, Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe: KGK 4–13, 48-54. Go to article
  • Riahi N., Bokelmann G., Sala P. and Saenger E.H., 2013: Time-lapse analysis of ambient surface wave anisotropy: A three-component array study above an underground gas storage, Journal of Geophysical Research 118, 5339–5351. Go to article
  • Riahi N., Goertz A. Birkelo B. and Saenger E.H., 2013: A statistical strategy for ambient seismic wavefield analysis: investigating correlations to a hydrocarbon reservoir, Geophysical Journal International 192, 148–162. Go to article
  • Sala P., Frehner M., Tisato N. and Pfiffner O.A., 2013: Building a three-dimensional near-surface geologic and petrophysical model based on borehole data: A case study from Chémery, Paris Basin, France, AAPG Bulletin 97, 1303–1324. Go to article
  • Schaufler A., Becker C. and Steeb H., 2013: Infiltration processes in cohesionless soils, ZAMM Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 93, 138-146. Go to article
  • Schüler T., Manke R., Jänicke R., Radenberg M. and Steeb H., 2013: Multi-scale modelling approach for bituminous asphalt concrete, ZAMM Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics 93, 126-137. Go to article
  • Sell K., Enzmann F., Kersten M. and Spangenberg E., 2013: Microtomographic quantificiation of hydraulic clay mineral displacement effects during a CO2 sequestration experiment with saline aquifer sandstone, Environmental Science & Technology 47, 198–204. Go to article
  • Steeb H., Singh J. and Tomar S. K., 2013: Time harmonic waves in thermoelastic material with microtemperatures, Mechanics Research Communications 48, 8–18. Go to article
  • Tisato N. and Marelli S., 2013: Laboratory measurements of the longitudinal and transverse wave velocities of compacted bentonite as a function of water content, temperature and confining pressure, Journal of Geophysical Research 118, 3380–3393. Go to article
  • Tisato N. and Quintal B., 2013: Measurements of seismic attenuation and transient fluid pressure in partially saturated Berea sandstone: Evidence of fluid flow on the mesoscopic scale, Geophysical Journal International 195, 342–351. Go to article

Journal Publications 2012

  • Burtscher A., Frehner M. and Grasemann B., 2012: Tectonic geomorphological investigations of antiforms using differential geometry: Permam anticline, northern Iraq, AAPG Bulletin 96, 301–314. Go to article
  • Frehner M., Reif D. and Grasemann B., 2012: Mechanical versus kinematical shortening reconstructions of the Zagros High Folded Zone (Kurdistan Region of Iraq), Tectonics 31, TC3002. Go to article
  • Gurris, M., Kuzmin, D and Turek, S., 2012. Implicit finite element schemes for the stationary compressible Euler equations, Numerical Methods in Fluids, 69, 1 - 28. Go to article
  • Jänicke R. and Steeb H., 2012: Wave propagation in periodic microstructures by homogenisation of extended continua, Computational Materials Science 52, 209-211. Go to article
  • Jänicke R. and Steeb H., 2012: Minimal loading conditions for higher order numerical homogenisation schemes, Archive of Applied Mechanics 82, 1075-1088. Go to article
  • Kazakeviciute-Makovska R., Steeb H. and Aydin A. O., 2012: On the evolution law for the frozen volume fraction in linear theories of Shape Memory Polymers, Archive of Applied Mechanics 82, 1103-1115. Go to article
  • Kurzeja P. S. and Steeb H., 2012: About the transition frequency in Biot’s theory, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (Express Letters) 131, EL454-EL460. Go to article
  • Madonna C., Almqvist B.S.G. and Saenger E.H., 2012: Digital rock physics: Numerical prediction of pressure-dependent ultrasonic velocities using micro-CT imaging, Geophysical Journal International 189, 1475–1482. Go to article
  • Quintal, B., 2012: Frequency-dependent attenuation as a potential indicator of oil saturation, Journal of Applied Geophysics 82, 119–128. Go to article
  • Quintal B., Steeb H., Frehner M., Schmalholz S.M. and Saenger E.H., 2012: Pore fluid effects on S-wave attenuation caused by wave-induced fluid flow, Geophysics 77, L13–L23. Go to article
  • Ramezani H., Steeb H. and Jong J., 2012: Analytical and numerical studies on Penalized Micro-Dilatation (PMD) theory: Macro-micro link concept, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 34, 130-148. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Uribe D., Jänicke R., Ruiz O. and Steeb H., 2012: Digital material laboratory: Wave propagation effects in open-cell aluminium foams, International Journal of Engineering Sciences 58, 115–123. Go to article
  • Steeb H., Kurzeja P., Frehner M. and Schmalholz S.M., 2012: Phase velocity dispersion and attenuation of seismic waves due to trapped fluids in residual-saturated porous media, Vadose Zone Journal 11, vzj2011.0121. Go to article
  • Steiner B. and Saenger E.H., 2012: Comparison of 2D and 3D time-reverse imaging - A numerical case study, Computers & Geosciences 46, 174–182. Go to article
  • Tisato N., Di Toro G., De Rossi N., Quaresimin M. and Candela T., 2012: Experimental investigation of flash weakening in limestone, Journal of Structural Geology 38, 183–199. Go to article
  • Tisato N. and Madonna C., 2012: Attenuation at low seismic frequencies in partially saturated rocks: Measurements and description of a new apparatus, Journal of Applied Geophysics 86, 44–53. Go to article
  • Tisato N., Sauro F., Bernasconi S.M., Bruijn R.H.C. and De Waele J., 2012: Hypogenic contribution to speleogenesis in a predominant epigenic karst system: A case study from the Venetian Alps, Italy, Geomorphology 151-152, 156–163. Go to article
  • Tuitz C., Exner U., Frehner M. and Grasemann B., 2012: The impact of ellipsoidal particle shape on pebble breakage in gravel, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 54, 70–79. Go to article

Journal Publications 2011

  • Frehner M., 2011: The neutral lines in buckle folds, Journal of Structural Geology 33, 1501–1508. Go to article
  • Frehner M., Exner U., Mancktelow N.S. and Grujic D., 2011: The not-so-simple effects of boundary conditions on models of simple shear, Geology 39, 719–722. Go to article
  • Gurris, M., Kuzmin, D and Turek, S., 2011. Implicit finite element schemes for stationary compressible particle-laden gas flows, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235, 5056 - 5077. Go to article
  • Gurris, M., Kuzmin, D and Turek, S., 2011. A Newton-like finite element scheme for compressible gas flows, Computers & Fluids, 46, 245 - 251. Go to article
  • Kazakeviciute-Makovska R. and Steeb H., 2011: On recoverable strain-stress relationships in shape memory polymer nanocomposites, Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe: KGK 611, 24-28. Go to article
  • Kazakeviciute-Makovska R. and Steeb H., 2011: Superelasticity and self-healing of proteinaceous biomaterials, Procedia Engineering 10, 2597-2602. Go to article
  • Kocur G.K., Vogel T. and Saenger E.H., 2011: Crack localization in a double-punched concrete cuboid with time reverse modeling of acoustic emission, International Journal of Fracture 171, 1–10. Go to article
  • Lambert M.-A., Nguyen T., Saenger E.H. and Schmalholz S.M., 2011: Spectral analysis of ambient ground-motion - Noise reduction techniques and a methodology for mapping horizontal inhomogeneity, Journal of Applied Geophysics 74, 100–113. Go to article
  • Quintal B., Frehner M., Madonna C., Tisato N., Kuteynikova M. and Saenger E.H., 2011: Integrated numerical and laboratory rock physics applied to seismic characterization of reservoir rocks, The Leading Edge 30, 1360–1367. Go to article
  • Quintal B., Schmalholz S.M. and Podladchikov Y.Y., 2011: Impact of fluid saturation on the reflection coefficient of a poroelastic layer, Geophysics 76, N1–N12. Go to article
  • Quintal B., Steeb H., Frehner M. and Schmalholz S.M., 2011: Quasi-static finite element modeling of seismic attenuation and dispersion due to wave-induced fluid flow in poroelastic media, Journal of Geophysical Research 116, B01201. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., 2011: Time reverse characterization of sources in heterogeneous media, NDT & E International 44, 751–759. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., 2011: Comment on ‘A comparison of the dispersion relations for anisotropic elastodynamic finite-difference grids’ (H. Bernth and C. Chapman, 2011, Geophysics, 76, WA43-WA50), Geophysics 76, X1. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Enzmann F., Keehm Y. and Steeb H., 2011: Digital rock physics: Effect of fluid viscosity on effective elastic properties, Journal of Applied Geophysics 74, 236–241. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Kocur G.K., Jud R. and Torrilhon M., 2011: Application of time reverse modeling on ultrasonic non-destructive testing of concrete, Applied Mathematical Modelling 35, 807–816. Go to article
  • Steiner B., Saenger E.H. and Schmalholz S.M.. 2011: Time reverse imaging with limited S-wave velocity model information, Geophysics 76, MA33–MA40. Go to article

Journal Publications 2010

  • Frehner M. and Schmalholz S.M., 2010: Finite-element simulations of Stoneley guided-wave reflection and scattering at the tips of fluid-filled fractures, Geophysics 75, T23–T36. Go to article
  • Frehner M., Steeb H. and Schmalholz S.M., 2010: Wave velocity dispersion and attenuation in media exhibiting internal oscillations, Wave Propagation in Materials for Modern Applications (Ed: Petrin A.), In-Tech Education and Publishing, pp. 455–476, ISBN 978-953-7619-65-7. Go to article
  • Gurris, M., Kuzmin, D and Turek, S., 2010: Finite element simulation of compressible particle-laden gas flows, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 233, 3121-3129. Go to article
  • Kocur G.K., Saenger E.H. and Vogel T., 2010: Elastic wave propagation in a segmented X-ray computed tomography model of a concrete specimen, Construction and Building Materials 24, 2393–2400. Go to article
  • Lambert M.-A., Schmalholz S.M., Saenger E.H. and Steiner B., 2010: Reply to comment on ‘Low-frequency microtremor anomalies at an oil and gas field in Voitsdorf, Austria’ by Marc-André Lambert, Stefan M. Schmalholz, Erik H. Saenger and Brian Steiner, Geophysical Prospecting 57, 393–411. Geophysical Prospecting 58, 341–346. Go to article
  • Steeb H., 2010: Internal erosion in gas-flow weak conditions, IUTAM-ISIMM Symposium on Mathematical Modeling and Physical Instances of Granular Flows (Eds: Goddard J.D., Jenkins J.T. and Giovine P.), Volume 1227 of AIP Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Physics, pp. 115–134, ISBN 978-0-7354-0772-5. Go to article
  • Steeb H., 2010: Ultrasound propagation in cancellous bone, Archive of Applied Mechanics 80, 489-502. Go to article
  • Steeb H., Frehner M. and Schmalholz S.M., 2010: Waves in residual-saturated porous media, Mechanics of Generalized Continua: One Hundred Years after the Cosserats (Eds: Maugin G.A. and Metrikine A.V.), Volume 21 of Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, Springer Verlag, pp. 179–190, ISBN 978-1-4419-5694-1. Go to article

Journal Publications 2009

  • Ciz R., Saenger E.H., Gurevich B. and Shapiro S.A.,2009: Temperature-dependent poroelastic and viscoelastic effects on microscale - Modeling of seismic reflections in heavy oil reservoirs, Geophysical Journal International 176, 822–832. Go to article
  • Frehner M., Schmalholz S.M. and Podladchikov Y., 2009: Spectral modification of seismic waves propagating through solids exhibiting a resonance frequency: a 1-D coupled wave propagation-oscillation model, Geophysical Journal International 176, 589–600. Go to article
  • Holzner R., Eschle P., Dangel S., Frehner M., Narayanan C. and Lakehal D., 2009: Hydrocarbon microtremors interpreted as nonlinear oscillations driven by oceanic background waves, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 14, 160–173. Go to article
  • Lambert M.-A., Schmalholz S.M., Saenger E.H. and Steiner B., 2009: Low-frequency microtremor anomalies over an oil and gas field in Voitsdorf, Austria, Geophysical Prospecting 57, 393–411. Go to article
  • Quintal B., Schmalholz S.M. and Podladchikov Y.Y., 2009: Low-frequency reflections from a thin layer with high attenuation caused by interlayer flow, Geophysics 74, N15–N23. Go to article and the Errata
  • Saenger E.H., Schmalholz S.M., Lambert M.-A., Nguyen T.T., Torres A., Metzger S., Habiger R.M., Müller T., Rentsch S. and Méndez-Hernández E., 2009: A passive seismic survey over a gas field: Analysis of low-frequency anomalies, Geophysics 74, O29–O40. Go to article
  • Sehlhorst H.-G., Jänicke R., Düster A., Rank E., Steeb H. and Diebels S., 2009: Numerical homogenization techniques applying higher-order finite elements, Computational Mechanics 45, 45-59. Go to article

Journal Publications 2008

  • Chen Z., Steeb H. and Diebels S., 2008. A EVI-space-time Galerkin method for dynamics a finite deformation in porous media, Computational Mechanics 43, 585–601. Go to article
  • Chen Z., Steeb H. and Diebels S., 2008. A new hybrid velocity integration method applied to elastic wave propagation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 74, 56-79. Go to article
  • Chen Z., Steeb H. and Diebels S., 2008. A space-time discontinuous Galerkin method applied to single-phase flow in porous media, Computational Geosciences 12, 525–539. Go to article
  • Ebinger T., Steeb H. and Diebels S., 2008. Kinematically extended continuum theories: Correlation between microscopical deformation and macroscopical strain measures, Technische Mechanik 28, 64-86. Go to article
  • Frehner M., Schmalholz S.M., Saenger E.H. and Steeb H., 2008. Comparison of finite difference and finite element methods for simulating two-dimensional scattering of elastic waves, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 171, 112–121. Go to article
  • Johlitz M., Diebels S., Batal J., Steeb H. and Possart W., 2008. Size effects in polyurethane bonds: Experiments, modelling and parameter identification, Journal of Materials Science 43, 4768–4779. Go to article
  • Johlitz M., Steeb H., Diebels S., Batal J. and Possart W., 2008. Experimental and numerical investigation of size effects in polyurethane adhesive sealings, Technische Mechanik 28, 3-12. Go to article
  • Johlitz M., Steeb H., Diebels S., Chatzouridou A., Batal J. and Possart W., 2008. Experimental and theoretical investigation of nonlinear viscoelastic polyurethane systems, Journal of Materials Science 42, 9894–9904. Go to article
  • Johlitz M., Steeb H., Jänicke R. and Diebels S., 2008. Effective properties and size effects in filled polymers, GAMM-Mitteilungen 31, 210-224. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., 2008: Numerical methods to determine effective elastic properties, International Journal of Engineering Science 46, 598–605. Go to article
  • Steiner B., Saenger E.H. and Schmalholz S.M., 2008.Time reverse modeling of low-frequency microtremors: Application to hydrocarbon reservoir localization, Geophysical Research Letters 35, L03307. Go to article
  • Tillmann, W, Vogli, E., Abdulgader, M., Gurris, M, Kuzmin, D. and Turek, S., 2008. Particle Behavior During the Arc Spraying Process with Cored Wires, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 17, 966 - 973. Go to article

Journal Publications 2007

  • Diebels S., Johlitz M., Steeb H., Chatzouridou A., Batal J. and Possart W., 2007: A continuum-based model capturing size effects in polymer bonds, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 62, 34–42. Go to article
  • Ebinger T., Steeb H. and Diebels S., 2007: Numerical homogenization techniques applied to growth and remodelling phenomena, Computational Mechanics 39, 815-830. Go to article
  • Gerner A., Saenger E.H. and Shapiro S.A., 2007: Attenuation of P-waves due to interlayer fluid flow in hydrate-bearing sediments, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 4, 394–402. Go to article
  • Krüger O.S., Saenger E.H., Oates S.J. and Shapiro S.A., 2007: A numerical study on reflection coefficients of fractured media, Geophysics 72, D61–D67. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., 2007: Comment on ‘Comparison of the non-interacting and differential schemes in predicting the effective elastic properties of fractured media’ by V. Grechka, International Journal of Fracture 146, 291–292. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Ciz R., Krüger O.S., Schmalholz S.M., Gurevich B. and Shapiro S.A., 2007: Finite-difference modeling of wave propagation on microscale: A snapshot of the work in progress, Geophysics 72, SM293–SM300. Go to article
  • Steeb H., Diebels S. and Vardoulakis I., 2007: Modelling phase transition processes withinporous media, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publications (GSP) 157. Go to article
  • Zanoth S.R., Saenger E.H., Krüger O.S. and Shapiro S.A., 2007: Leaky mode: A mechanism of horizontal seismic attenuation in a gas-hydrate-bearing sediment, Geophysics 72, E159–E163. Go to article

Journal Publications 2006

  • Bohlen T. and Saenger E.H., 2006: Accuracy of heterogeneous staggered-grid finite-difference modeling of Rayleigh waves, Geophysics 71, T109–T115. Go to article
  • Chen Z., Steeb H. and Diebels S., 2006: A time-discontinuous Galerkin method for the dynamical analysis of porous media, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 30, 1113–1134. Go to article
  • Ciz R., Saenger E.H. and Gurevich B., 2006: Pore scale numerical modelling of elastic wave dispersion and attenuation in periodic systems of alternating solid and viscous fluid layers, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120, 642–648. Go to article
  • Frehner M. and Schmalholz S.M., 2006: Numerical simulations of parasitic folding in multilayers, Journal of Structural Geology 28, 1647–1657. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Keehm Y. and Shapiro S.A., 2006: Considerations of the Biot velocity relations: Viscous finite-difference calculations in combination with flow simulations, in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’05 (Eds: Nagel W.E., Resch M. and Jäger W.), Springer Verlag, pp. 279–288, ISBN 978-3-540-28377-5. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Krüger O.S. and Shapiro S.A., 2006: Effective elastic properties of fractured rocks: Dynamic vs. static considerations, International Journal of Fracture 139, 569–576. Go to article

Journal Publications 2005

  • Diebels S., Ebinger T. and Steeb H., 2005: An anisotropic damage model of foams on the basis of a micromechanical description, Journal of Materials Science 40, 5919–5924. Go to article
  • Ebinger T., Steeb H. and Diebels S., 2005: Modeling and homogenization of foams, Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science 12, 49–63.
  • Ebinger T., Steeb H. and Diebels S., 2005: Modeling macroscopic extended continua with the aid of numerical homogenization schemes, Computational Materials Science 32, 337–347. Go to article
  • Krüger O.S., Saenger E.H. and Shapiro S.A., 2005: Scattering and diffraction by a single crack: An accuracy analysis of the rotated staggered grid, Geophysical Journal International 162, 25–31. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Shapiro S.A. and Keehm Y., 2005: Seismic effects of viscous Biot-coupling: Finite difference simulations on micro-scale, Geophysical Research Letters 32, L14310. Go to article

Journal Publications 2004

  • Kiyashchenko D., Smirnova N., Troyan V., Saenger E.H. and Vallianatos F., 2004: Seismic hazard precursory evolution: Fractal and multifractal aspects, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 29, 367–378. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H. and Bohlen T., 2004: Finite-difference modeling of viscoelastic and anisotropic wave propagation using the rotated staggered grid, Geophysics 69, 583–591. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Krüger O.S. and Shapiro S.A., 2004: Effective elastic properties of randomly fractured soils: 3D numerical experiments, Geophysical Prospecting 52, 183–195. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Krüger O.S. and Shapiro S.A., 2004: Numerical considerations of fluid effects on wave propagation: Influence of the tortuosity, Geophysical Research Letters 31, L21613. Go to article
  • Steeb H. and Diebels S., 2004: Modeling thin films applying an extended continuum theory based on a scalar-valued order parameter – Part I: Isothermal case, International Journal of Solids and Structures 41, 5071–5085. Go to article

Journal Publications 2000-2003

  • Diebels S. and Steeb H., 2003: Stress and couple stress in foams, Computational Materials Science 28, 714-722. Go to article
  • Orlowsky B., Saenger E.H., Guéguen Y. and Shapiro S.A., 2003: Effects of parallel crack distributions on effective elastic properties - a numerical study, International Journal of Fractures 124, L171–L178. Go to article
  • Steeb H. and Diebels S., 2003: A thermodynamic-consistent model describing growth and remodeling phenomena, Computational Materials Science 28, 597-607. Go to article
  • Diebels S. and Steeb H., 2002: The size effect in foams and its theoretical and numerical investigation, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volumes 458, 2869–2883. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H. and Shapiro S.A., 2002: Effective velocities in fractured media: A numerical study using the rotated staggered finite-difference grid, Geophysical Prospecting 50, 183–194. Go to article
  • Saenger E.H., Gold N. and Shapiro S.A., 2000: Modeling the propagation of elastic waves using a modified finite-difference grid, Wave Motion 31, 77–92. Go to article